Magickal Properties Of Juniper
Rebecca HaynesShare
Juniper (Juniperus Communis)
Juniper (Juniperus Communis) is the most common species of small tree or shrub in the Cypress family (Cupressaceae).
- Form: J. communis can take various forms, from a low-growing shrub to a small tree, depending on the habitat. It typically grows between 1-5 meters (3-16 feet) tall.
- Foliage: The leaves are needle-like, arranged in whorls of three, and are sharp to the touch. They are green with a silvery-white stripe on the upper surface, giving the plant a distinctive appearance.
Berries: Its "berries" are fleshy cones that ripen over two to three years. Initially
green, they turn blue-black with a waxy coating when mature. These berries are aromatic and used in gin production and as a seasoning.
Where It Grows:
- Native Range: J. communis is widely distributed across the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere, including Europe, Asia, and North America.
Habitats: It is highly adaptable and found in a variety of environments, such as:
- Heathlands
- Rocky outcrops
- Grasslands
- Forest edges
- Alpine regions
Growing Conditions:
Soil: Prefers well-drained, sandy, or rocky soils but tolerates a range of soil types,
including acidic and alkaline soils.
- Sunlight: Thrives in full sun but can grow in light shade.
- Water: Extremely drought-tolerant; it does not tolerate waterlogged soils.
- Climate: Hardy to cold climates and frost-resistant. It is well-suited to temperate and subarctic regions.
- Growth Rate: Slow-growing (as little as 2-3 cm per year), with a long lifespan, sometimes exceeding 200 years.
Maintenance: J. communis is a low-maintenance plant, resistant to many pests and diseases.
- Growing for harvest? One thing to note is that if you are growing Juniper to harvest the berries, you will need a male and female plant as they are not self- pollinating.
The Magickal Properties Of Juniper:
Widely used for centuries for mundane and magickal purposes, Juniper is a valuable herb to have in your witches spell kit. Juniper has been used for many culinary purposes such as flavouring sauerkraut, meats, sauces, stuffings and alcohol (Gin), as well as for many magickal purposes. In fact, according to some, a combination of dried berries and leaves from the Juniper plant was one of the first incenses used by witches in the Mediterranean region.
Juniper (Juniperus Communis):
Folk Names: Enebro, Gemeiner, Geneva, Genevrier, Gin Berry, Gin Plant, Ginepro, Wachholder
Part Used: Ripe, carefully dried fruits and leaves
Gender/ Energy: Masculine, Hot
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Powers: Anti- theft, Exorcism, Health, Love, Protection,
Some of the magickal properties of Juniper include:
- Protection and Exorcism: Juniper has been used throughout Europe for hundreds of years as a protective herb and is often burned during exorcism rites.
- Guard against theft: It is said that if you carry Juniper with you it will help protect you against theft of your belongings.
- Protect against accidents: Wearing a sprig of juniper or carrying juniper is said to help ward against accidents and wild animal attacks.
- Guards against sickness: Juniper has been historically used to keep away illness.
- Guards against ghosts and evil spirits: Juniper is often hung at the door or burnt as an incense to guard against unwanted ghosts and evil spirits.
- Attracts love: adding Juniper leaves to love mixtures is said to enhance the
potency of the mixture. The berries are also said to increase male potency.
- Increases Psychic ability: Juniper is said to enhance psychic powers when carried or burnt.
- Breaks hexes and curses: Juniper is a common ingredient in spells to fight black magic and hexes.
Purification: Juniper is said to be one of the best plants for purification from psychic attacks and hexes.
- Associated with the crown chakra: because of their dark purplish colour, the berries of the Juniper plant have become associated with the crown chakra.
How To Use Juniper For Magick
- Hang a sprig of juniper at your front door to protect against evil forces/people.
Burn Juniper Incense to increase the potency of your spells when performing protection magic. You can make your own incense like the witches of old used to by combining the crushed dried berries and dried leaves and placing it on lit charcoal, or you can purchase ready made juniper incense.
- Plant Juniper outside your front door to protect your home and family.
- Add Juniper to a mojo bag (spell bag) and carry with you to attract love and guard against evil spirits.
- Add an infusion of juniper leaves to your bath or a wash to purify yourself prior to performing magick. (always patch test for sensitivities prior to using any unknown herb on your skin in case you have an allergy etc)
- Use a Juniper smudge stick when smudging to ward off evil/ protect your home
The Magickal benefits of this herb are not set in stone. These magickal benefits are from a Eurocentric viewpoint, as is my personal background and what I am familiar with.
Do your own research before working with each ingredient always and consult sources from your own ancestral background. What is right for me in my situation, may be completely wrong for you.
Let us know what you think about this fantastic plant. Do you grow it? If so, what has been your experience with it? Do you use it for mundane purposes, magickal purposes, or both? We'd love to hear your experiences.
Please note: The author of this blog is not a medical professional & the information presented in this blog is solely for entertainment and informational purposes. No information contained within this bog is intended to serve as professional advice of any description. Please consult a healthcare professional if you are seeking treatment for any medical condition. If you choose to perform any type of self-treatment or follow advice off the internet you do so at your own risk.
If you are looking to purchase Juniper products, check out what we have in stock here.
Grieve, M., Mrs. (1978). A Modern Herbal (pp. 452-453). Penguin Books.
Wikipedia contributors. (2024, October 22). Juniperus communis. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 01:14, January 9, 2025, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Juniperus_communis&oldid=1252616969
Nock, J. A. (2020). The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs (p. 116). Adams Media Corporation.